The future, our future!

Hi there ! The youth is well-known to be a great element of a country. Youth are often seen as people without any ambition or even someone with no tomorrow but deep inside of them, they are the ones who can take the world to the path of success.

Youth is our future! The youngsters are energetic and enthusiastic. They are able to learn and adapt to any environment. And in so doing, they can surely achieve their goals. In every project, the participation of the youths is called for.

Many people think that youngsters don’t show any participation in the society. But have you asked yourself ‘why’?

Is it because the youngsters feel there is no place for them? They are not understood or don’t have the platform or the opportunity to show their worth? Can it be due to the superiority of the elders? The state of always being stronger, having the best position and being right? Or the fear of being surpassed by someone younger? 

It is very easy to judge people or to point fingers. Whatever the reason, don’t you think that it’s time to change this judgemental mentality? The world is evolving as time flies. The new generation is here to build a better nation. I think they need to be given the opportunity to be able to grow and flourish or else these talents will be lost and the future of our country will be hopeless. “Opportunity is one of the keys of Success”

                                             Written by AC15


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