Keep them alive

Old is gold! As people get older and older, they are often put aside and forgotten. But we should remember that our elders are rich in stories and culture.

Since the elders had a very long journey , they do have several stories to convey to their surrounding, especially to their offspring and grandchildren. For instance, narrating a funny story about oneself or even the history of one’s origin.

Apart from these stories, the elders inculcate and guide the younger ones with the values of life and culture -How to overcome everyday life problems and the way to perform certain rituals and traditions.

But what’s the point of getting knowledge of these? The answer is easy. Aren’t we curious by nature? And don’t we want to have an identity?

The stories of their experience and of our culture narrated surely will create good memories, help us to identify our origin and clear our doubts. Added to that, once the old persons will be gone, we’ll be able to remember them with what they taught us and the time we spent together.

Time is precious! Cherish every moment to make it the best as it won’t come back again. Make these moments become memories that will last forever.

Written by AC15


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