Water Cube Cup 2020

You're certainly wondering what the Water Cube Cup is, right? Is this something related to water, a cube or a cup? If you thought so, you're completely in the wrong direction just like what I thought at first. The ‘Water Cube Cup’ is actually a Chinese song contest for overseas Chinese including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. There are over 60 million overseas Chinese in the world and more than 30 countries participating in this international contest.

This tenth Water Cube Cup International contest is organised by Beijing Radio and Television Station, Beijing Gehua Culture Development Group Co., Ltd, Beijing National Swimming Center Co. Ltd and Beijing Performance Co. Ltd. It’s an event which is sponsored by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of Beijing Municipal People’s Government, Information Office of Beijing Municipal People’s Government, Beijing State owned Assets Management Co. Ltd and Beijing Gehua Media Group Co., Ltd. 

The aim of this wonderful competition is to promote the inheritance and development of Chinese culture and create a platform for exchanges with overseas Chinese. This can help to link all overseas Chinese around the globe together and to show our pride to our hometown, China! 

It’ll be the first time that Mauritius, a small country with few overseas Chinese, has the opportunity to take part in such huge event. So, let’s do our best to show our singing talent. Even if you’re a beginner, this is not a problem as the competition will be a great chance for you to progress. Besides, we, the organising team will devote our body and soul to help you in all ways until the end. Let’s shine to the world.

“Opportunities are like sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them. “

Written by AC15


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