Ene soleil ape lever!

Today, we met with the scouts of Moka/St Pierre. A group of around 25 children came to Chinatown for a visit and only one kid had come to Chinatown before!  What a better way to start the visit with a first stop at the Chan Chak Pagoda. 


After a taste of “gato gingelli”, their visit continued with a tour along the streets of Chinatown to see some of the murals, Tangloon and of course, a must stop in Chinatown - Manga Street where the Live Jam was in full swing. With excitement, selfies and pictures session followed. 

But that was not the best moment! It was the sharing that followed, starting with Nathan who through his song, gave to the children a special message - do not be afraid to follow your dreams. Picking up the guitar, which is bigger than him and sitting behind the piano, two little ones started playing while the scouts sang “ene soleil ape lever lor Port Louis, ene soleil, ene soleil, ene lespwar ki met la joie dans lil maurice”, a song improvised on the spot! Awesome!


“Sometimes the best moments are the one you did not plan at all”



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