Sharing the making of Tangloon

The New Chinatown Foundation is a non profit organisation with the main aim to revive Chinatown. In 2018, with the participation of a Chinese artist, Mr. Yan Jing, Tangloon, the biggest eco-friendly dragon in Africa made up of recycled plastic bottles was born in Chinatown.

This year, we are renovating Tangloon with the help of Sov Lanatir and Nos Enfants de Demain. In line with our mission to promote our cultural heritage, we decided to share the making of Tangloon with our children, the leaders of tomorrow and thus visited the Villiers Rene Government school, one of the oldest and well known primary school located in the capital of Mauritius. What a warm welcome from both the staff and the students of this prestigious school. The kids were full of excitement and what wonderful moments were spent with the children. Our team members taught the children how to assemble and put together the cut plastic bottles to make the different part of the dragon. 


Being environment friendly has always been an important part in our organization and part of our DNA.  Sharing the making of Tangloon had been such an enriching experience, not only for the children but also for us. The kids were so keen to try and assemble the plastic bottles. We left with amazing memories with the children and we hoped that we inspired the younger generation to lead the world in a sustainable and creative way by finding art in everything. 


The New Chinatown Foundation also aims to encourage the young to follow their vision and conquer the world. Come and join us in our journey, let's follow the dragon.


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